Sunday, June 15, 2008

Wyo. festival to offer chances to dunk a Democrat (AP)

CHEYENNE, Wyo. - Republicans will get a rare opportunity this weekend to show that the Democrats are all wet. All they need is $5 and a good throwing arm.

Four Democratic candidates for federal office have volunteered to get dunked in chilly water at the annual Jackalope Days festival in Douglas, about 115 miles north of Cheyenne.

When someone hits a target with a softball at the "Dunk a Democrat" booth, in will go House candidate Gary Trauner, or Senate hopefuls Chris Rothfuss, Nick Carter or Keith Goodenough. The money will go to the Converse County Democratic Party.

"It's a commitment. It's a sacrifice. It's one of those things that needs to be done if we're serious about this election," said Bill Luckett, executive director of the state Democratic Party.

Last year's event yielded $400. The party hopes to double that amount this year.

State Rep. Dave Edwards, a Republican, said he might watch, but not give it a shot. "That would be me contributing to their campaign," he said.

The county has about a 4-to-1 ratio of registered Republicans to registered Democrats.


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